A deliciously moist and authentic copycat KFC Chicken recipe. This Air Fryer fried chicken is golden brown and delicious. It's soaked in buttermilk for...
Meatballs are a crowd favorite and can be served in many different ways. Whether your meatballs are a side dish or your main course, you'll have this...
Succulent Bacon Wrapped Shrimp air fryer recipe is the most delicious and the easiest appetizer to make in the air fryer. Minimal ingredients and a few...
Air Fryer Granola is so quick and easy to throw together. You can enjoy fresh granola without any additives or excess sugar with the help of your air fryer...
This easy method for Air Fryer Frozen Okra shows you how to get perfectly crispy and tender okra by using your air fryer or Ninja Foodi in just 15 minutes...
These Air Fryer beignets are easy and made without yeast. These beignets are cooked without oil and still they taste soft and fluffy. Great to serve as...
These perfectly juicy and tender Air Fryer Shrimp take less than 10 minutes to make, with just a few ingredients! When it comes to easy dinner ideas, it...
Making breakfast sausage links in an an air fryer means that you can have a hearty protein-based breakfast in the morning without any hassle. Just pop...
Air Fryer Strawberry Cheesecake Chimichangas are a quick and easy dessert made completely in the air fryer. Creamy strawberry cheesecake filling in a warm...
Polenta fries are so easy to make in the air fryer. Simply cut prepared polenta into sticks, season with spices, and air fry until crisp. Serve with warmed...
This easy method for Air Fryer Frozen Veggie Burgers turns a frozen vegetable burger into a crispy vegetarian burger you can serve for lunch or dinner...
Crispy Air Fryer Breaded Tilapia recipe has a crunchy Panko crumb with perfectly cooked juicy fish fillets! It is healthy, easy and absolutely delicious...
This easy method for Air Fryer Frozen Hash Brown Patties turns a frozen hash brown patty into a crispy hearty part of breakfast in just 10 minutes or less....
Crispy cauliflower for the win, thanks to your air fryer! Make the cauliflower even tastier and crispier with spices, a little egg, and a light coating...
Crispy, juicy, and super flavorful, these air fryer pork steaks are so easy to make! On the table in around 30 minutes, their coating tastes like a deep-fried...
Make your own version of fried fish sticks at home, and you get in control of what kind of ingredients goes into the mix, the seasonings, and as well the...
You'll return bite after bite to this plate of Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower! The air fryer makes quick work of the cauliflower, turning it crispy on the...
You can turn frozen breaded fish into a tasty dinner in less than 20 minutes. Delicious crunchy breaded fish in Air Fryer from frozen. No only for dinner...
Air Fryer Fried Pickles are one of my favorites! This is a Texas Road House Copycat Fried Pickle recipe. To make it even better it is made right in the...
Parmesan crusted air fryer salmon is a perfect low carb, keto friendly 10 minute fresh salmon recipe. Perfect for lunch or dinner, this air fryer salmon...
Try these easy Air Fryer Scones for a delicious morning or afternoon tea treat. These lemonade scones are made with just 4 ingredients and are so fluffy...
With just 3 ingredients you can make the most delicious scones. On the table in no time. Great with an afternoon tea or as a mid morning treat. Serve with...
Ninja Foodi Air Fryer Chicken Tenders is a simple way to enjoy low carb chicken in a snap! The true star o the show is the amazing, restaurant quality...
These Hot Honey Butter Chicken Wings are cooked to perfection in the air fryer before being tossed in what truly might be the BEST sweet and spicy sauce,...
This recipe is done in a little over 10 minutes you do not need to thaw anything. Air Fryer Frozen tuna steaks show you how to make frozen tuna steak in...
Air fryer kale chips offer a tasty, healthy alternative to potato chips and other fried snacks. Crispy and perfectly seasoned, these wholesome snacks will...
Air Fryer Corn on the Cob is a super simple side dish or snack. These buttery corn cobs cook in just 15 minutes in foil and the kernels are so tender and...
An easy air fryer steak tips recipes that cooks up in less than 10 minutes. Enjoy the siroin beef tips recipe with a garlic butter sauce for a quick and...
Skip the classic ham sandwich and make my ham and cheese Ninja Foodi Stromboli today. You have a light and flaky crescent roll that is rolled out and filled...
Mozzarella sticks in the air fryer! We figured out the secret! They are delicious, not hard at all to make, and so much better than their freezer section...
Incredibly easy-to-make air fryer Italian sausage is equally incredibly tasty with a delightfully golden casing while retaining all their juicy goodness!...
Never thaw your steak again. Just take them out the freezer and cook them perfectly in the Air Fryer. A great grilled steak dinner with the best juicy...
Juicy and crunchy Air Fryer Fried Chicken Drumsticks are a healthier alternative to fried chicken drumsticks. You have that same crunchy battered coating...